In the midst of the banking crisis, on the eve of a bailout to the tune of $700 billion dollars … $700,000 BILLION, with housing prices plummeting, crushing fuel prices, and with the sound of my 401K screaming “I’m melting, melting, melting…” I watched the first presidential debate. No disrespect to these two men vying for the right to take on this mess, but I don’t feel it is possible to for either one of them to save this country from the greed and corruption that got us where we are today. Makes me wonder if a sane person would be running for office right now. But someone has to be willing to try.
I have Christian friends who intend to vote for Obama and those who intend to vote for McCain and some who do not intend to vote at all. They all seem to have very well thought out reasons for the stances they have taken.
All I can tell you is that we – the USA as well as the rest of the world – we all need a hero – a real hero, like Superman. Someone unstoppable. Someone incorruptible. Someone with the power to change human behavior by changing the human heart.
We need Jesus. There is no other solution. I pray God will speed the day of His return to take over this mess and make sense of a world gone crazy.
You can vote for whomever you want or you can abstain, that is your right as an American citizen. But real, true change will not occur until Jesus returns. So, what is a Christian to do? Pray. Praying isn’t a “do nothing” position. It is, in fact, the best thing we can do. Praying for national leaders is addressed in I Timothy 2:2, where Paul encourages us to “pray for kings and all others who are in authority, so that we can live in peace…”
Pray for Jesus to return and in the meantime, pray for our leaders, no matter who they are. God ultimately places them in office any way (see Romans 13:1-4). They need YOUR help. It is right and proper to pray for whoever becomes president of this country. I urge you to spend significant time each week, before and after the election, praying for the leaders of this nation and the world and praying for the coming of the one, true hero who will ultimately save us from them all: Jesus.
God speed that day. I need a hero. Don’t we all?
With love, Nancy